Lilly Humatrope 72 IU


Lilly Humatrope is another brand of human growth hormone (HGH). The “72 IU” indicates the total amount of HGH in the vial.

SKU: Lilly Humatrope 72 IU Category:

Buy Humatrope Somatropin growth hormone 1 cartridge x 72 IU

•Stimulates Lean Muscle Growth

•Makes muscles denser and tighter

•Increases Strength

•Promotes Fat Loss


•Positive effect on joints and removes pain in these body parts

Characteristics :

Active half-life – 3-3,5 hours

Cycle duration – 2-6 months

PCT after cycle – No

The dosage of HGH for adults depends on what goals will be used. For fat burn, the dosage should be 1-2 IU per day, for muscle build and fat burn 4-10 IU per day. For
Here is an example:
Week 1 – 4 – 2 IU per day – one injection
Week 5 – 2.5 IU per day – one injection
Week 6 – 3.0 IU per day – divided into two injections of 1.5 IU each
Week 7 – 3.5 IU per day – divided into two injections of 1.75 IU each
And so on until you will reach the desired dose.