Jintropin Europharm 10 IU


Jintropin Europharm 10 IU refers to a specific formulation of Jintropin, where “Europharm” may indicate the brand or manufacturer, and “10 IU” denotes the dosage in International Units.

SKU: Jintropin Europharm 10 IU Category:

Buy Jintropin  Somatropin growth hormone  vials x 10 IU

•Stimulates Lean Muscle Growth

•Makes muscles denser and tighter

•Increases Strength

•Promotes Fat Loss


•Positive effect on joints and removes pain in these body parts

Characteristics :

Active half-life – 3-3,5 hours

Cycle duration – 2-6 months

PCT after cycle – No

Jintropin  refers to a specific formulation of it, where “it” may indicate the brand or manufacturer, and “10 IU” denotes the dosage in International Units. This smaller dosage is typically used for precision dosing, and it’s often administered via injection.

As always, it’s important to use HGH products like Jintropin under medical supervision to ensure proper use and to mitigate potential side effects. If you have any specific questions about this product or its use, let me know