

Halotestin – HGH WORLD STORE is an extremely potent oral steroid with strong androgenic properties. It has several distinct advantages over other drugs for bodybuilders and strength athletes.

Buy Halotestin Online


Fluoxymesterone, also known as Halotestin, is an extremely potent oral steroid with strong androgenic properties. It has several distinct advantages over other drugs for bodybuilders and strength athletes.

These, however, could have some very negative side effects. Fluoxymesterone has been used to treat androgen-responsive recurrent mammary cancer in female patients.

Properties and effects 

Users of it can enjoy a number of excellent advantages, including:

  • Increased aggression and drive during exercise
  • Lowering the amount of extra fluid in the tissues
  • An increase in subcutaneous fat burning
  • Gains in power, speed, and endurance
  • An improvement in body tone