

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.

cortidone – HGH WORLD STORE Cortidone is a highly potent anti-inflammatory andgluconeogenic corticosteroid, with a long action, with minimal mineralocorticoid effect,indicated for the treatment of non-infectious inflammatory conditions of the musculoskeletal system, soft tissues andrelated structures.

Here’s a general guide on administering corticosteroids like Cortidone to animals:

  1. Veterinary Prescription and Guidance: Only administer Cortidone under the supervision of a veterinarian, who will determine the correct dosage and administration method.
  2. Forms of Administration:
    • Oral Tablets or Liquid: These can be given directly by mouth. For some animals, it might be easier to hide the medication in food.
  3. Dosage:
    • Follow the veterinarian’s instructions precisely regarding dosage, frequency, and duration of treatment.
  4. Monitoring and Side Effects:
    • Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to more serious side effects like immune suppression, liver damage, or adrenal insufficiency. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential.
  5. Gradual Withdrawal:
    • If the animal has been on corticosteroids for a prolonged period, do not stop the medication abruptly. The veterinarian will provide a tapering schedule to gradually reduce the dosage to avoid withdrawal symptoms and allow the animal’s adrenal glands to adjust.
  6. Handling and Storage:
    • Store the medication as directed, typically in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
    • Handle the medication with clean hands and follow any additional safety instructions provided by the veterinarian or the medication’s packaging.

Always follow the specific instructions provided by the veterinarian and consult them with any questions or concerns regarding the treatment.

Cortidone is a highly potent anti-inflammatory and 
gluconeogenic corticosteroid, with a long action, with minimal mineralocorticoid effect, 
indicated for the treatment of non- 
infectious inflammatory conditions of the musculoskeletal system, soft tissues and 
related structures. Adjuvant in the treatment of allergic reactions such as 
dermatitis, in which inflammation and pruritus must be controlled. Adjuvant in 
the treatment of primary ketosis in cattle. Adjuvant in the treatment 
of anaphylactic shock, downer cow syndrome and bacterial toxemias.


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